
Final result!

Many thanks for all of your support and help!! Finally 2,694.33 EUR was collected! 
The donations will be sent to Japan Red Cross via an account of Japan Embassy dedicated for the Japan earthquake/tsunami.
We really appreciate all of your actions so far -making and selling orizurus and making donations! Thank you so much!!!
Also we are deeply grateful for Yamagata Europe for having the orizuru donation project and the other great support. Thank you!

Your warm activities and smiles make Japan happier than ever! 
Actually it is still at the beginning of the long way for Japan to recover. 
We would like to keep doing something which we can do even after the project is closed.

Again, thank you very much sincerely and let's pray and hope for Japan!


Thank you for your support!

Naoko-san, Kumiko-san, thank you so much for the orizurus! They are so beautiful!! Many thanks!!


VIB donated €250 to the Orizuru project!

VIB, a life science research institute based in Flanders Belgium, kindly donated 250EUR to our action "Pray for Japan"!
Thank you very much!!!

As we started it with a small scale, we did not expect we could get such a generous sponsorship.
We are all so happy and really appreciate it. The situation in Japan is still not good, but your help and support is really encouraging...! Thank you so much!!!


Everybody’s enthusiastic !

Orizurus are popular in Leuven univ as well! Thank you ladies for liking tsurus!! Everybody is enthusiastic! Did you find your favorite ones? 


Origami Zoo!

 An elephant and a cat was made as well as orizuru! They are so cute!!! Here you can find a palm-sized zoo! Thank you so much for your great effort and lovely animals!!! 


Japan-Square Film Festival!

Japan-Square Film Festival sponsored by YAMAGATA Europe was held in Gent, Belgium from Mar 30 to Apr 3 in 2011. A charity for the Japanese earthquake/tsunami was organized and €1,751.36 was collected at the end of the event! Details from CINEMATODAY.JP
Lots of audience made warm donations and chose tsurus they liked for their friendly actions. Thank you so much!! Your actions are really encouraging in Japan.   


Orizuru shops are open!

Here and there, Orizuru "shops" are open! Thank you so much for your kindness and support!!! The cat's name is Momo-taro, he would like to sell tsurus as well!


Which Orizuru do you like?

These are pictures from a party of a Judo club! Thank you so much for liking Orizuru and your warm support!!


Origami World

These are origami work made by Koichiro, an origami expert in Japan. The pegasus is made by folding a piece of paper!!


Orizuru fly to France!

Another picture from the train to the South France.  One more lady started to fold Orizuru. Thank you!! Orizuru fly to France!!


Orizuru Network is expanding!

Thank you for folding 25 tsurus in a train!! 
The lady, Stefaan's mother, joined the project without knowing her son also made Orizuru
at the Gent univ. orchestra!

She was surprised her son brought back two tsurus yesterday! 
Orizuru network is expanding!

YAMAGATA Europe also launched an Orizuru donation project!

YAMAGATA Europe, a document solutions company in Belgium, also launched an Orizuru-donation project as a promotor! 

So many people are folding lots of orizuru even though it is their first time!! Thank you very much for your support!!

Details from YAMAGATA's website

Check out on their website! :http://www.yamagata-europe.com/
Follow them on twitter: http://twitter.com/YamagataEurope

Tomoko-san, Aya-san, thank you so much!!!!


Let's make Orizuru!

 They are Gent Univ. Orchestra members!! Many thanks for making Orizuru and donations!!  

Nice smiles!!

Lots of Orizuru !

Stefaan is a trombone player. He brought back two tsurus to home this day...and a story goes on to the next day....


Thank you for your support!

They are Orizuru made by Asako, our first supporter. Thanks Asako for your great help!! They are so beautiful! Hope they will be delivered to many more people!


Ready to fly?

They are a peacock and a dragon made by Koichiro, an origami expert in Japan.
Looks they are ready to fly!!


Please collect donations making Origami birds!

Dear friends,
In order to support the Japanese people suffering from the devastating earthquake and tsunami, 
Please join a small project, "Pray for Japan" -Please collect donations making Origami birds!

1)What is Origami birds (Orizuru)
Origami is a unique Japanese art in which various forms such as animals and flowers are created 
by folding square paper without the use of glue or scissors. Children play making Origami in Japan.
One of the most popular Origami is birds (cranes). They are called "Orizuru" in Japanese.  
"Orizuru" are made  for desiring peace or making a wish -sometimes 1,000 Orizuru are made for the wish. It is called "Senba-zuru".

2)Interested in the project? Let's Join us!!
<How to proceed>--------------------
1. Collect supporters
Let's ask your friends and colleagues to join the project and make Orizuru by origami!
How to make Orizuru (English)
Movie on You Tube

2. Raise money
1) After you make Orizuru, please sell them at 1€/1$ for one piece. 
It would be a good idea to set Orizuru with a donation box in your office or school.
2) Please update us the number of Orizuru made and the amount of the donations. We will update the status at the blog!!

3. Send the donations to Japan Red Cross 
(via Japanse embassy in your country)
Please send the donations to an account of the Japanese embassy in your country. They have an account dedicated  for Japanese earthquake/tsunami and will send the money to Japan Red Cross. In this way you can avoid transfer cost. 
Japanese embassy in:


3) Share your acitvities with us!
At this website we will update the number of the Orizuru made and the amount of the donations made! When we get together, we will be able to make "Senba-zuru" with 1,000 tsurus delivered to every donator!

We really appreciate your action & support!! Thank you so much!

Get more info about this action at:

Haruko Sugita, Lieve Ongena (Belgium)
Yoshiko Sugita, Kazuko Sugita (Japan)